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60+ integrations
30 sec MTTR
400% install time reduction
Improving uptime and customer experience
The only truly global Internet service provider, ViaSat connects anyone to the internet anywhere they are—on the ground, in the air, and at sea.
Achieving their mission to connect the unconnected—in rural America and around the world—ViaSat operates across a vast, distributed footprint that literally beams satellite Internet from spacecrafts circling the Earth into rural towns like Barton, Mississippi. To keep everyone online, ViaSat has a large, distributed DevOps and Ops team supporting a complex network of IT ecosystems.
Hear how Lead Network Solution Engineer Chris Crocco integrated xMatters across 60+ tools including Splunk, Atlassian, and many more to:
- Significantly improve service uptime
- Significantly reduce incident MTTR
- Even significantly improve the customer experience