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Sysdig Integration
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Sysdig is a cloud monitoring integration that scans your containers, Kubernetes, and any other cloud app or component for degradations that affect digital service uptime. By integrating with xMatters, Sysdig can deliver the right information to the right resource to help resolve issues faster.
Sysdig + xMatters
The Sysdig integration triggers xMatters alerts when a disruption in a cloud-based service is detected, prompting xMatters to funnel data from Sysdig into actionable alerts for resolvers.
xMatters increases your teams’ efficiency and service uptime by:
- Alerting resolvers about any container degradations so they can quickly perform remediation tasks or rollbacks.
- Consolidating Sysdig data into notifications with response options so on-call resolvers can take action right away.
- Enabling teams to take immediate action with customizable notification responses.
Build Your Toolchain
Enhance your incident response by adding the Sysdig integration into a workflow with…