Watch how xMatters automates workflows—no coding needed. Learn More

Get more and pay less with xMatters

Everbridge xMatters is the only solution that gives you more value at a lower cost and automates steps all the way to resolution​.

You have big plans. Your company is growing.

Can PagerDuty grow with you? xMatters will.

Mobile app icon
Build remarkable customer experiences

Our code-free workflow builder provides drag-and-drop workflows, integrations, hundreds of pre-built automations. Easy to set up, and reuse. No hard coding required.

Protect icon
Protect against service issues

Dynamic integrations send notifications to any team, user, or device. Automated escalations prevent unacknowledged issues. Crystal clear and easily maintained on-call management keeps everyone aligned.

Workflow automation icon
Reduce operational headaches

No need to leave your current stack to set up and manage a separate run book. xMatters is a single platform, designed to run in the background and keep you in your everyday tools.

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Rapidly iterate with confidence

Develop and deploy continuously and confidently, knowing your data is safe. xMatters exceeds the highest standards for privacy and security: ISO 27001, 27017, 27018; SOC 2; GDPR; CCPA; FINRA; CSA

Compare PagerDuty to xMatters

No additional cost for flood control, actionable responses, analytics and workflow automation.

xMatters Base

$39 per user/ month

Get everything your team needs for incident management, all included in our Base plan

PagerDuty Business

$39 per user/ month

PagerDuty’s most popular Business plan (get ready to pay more for additional functionality)

  • On-Call Management

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business
  • Codeless Workflow Builder

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business
  • Actionable Alert Responses

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business

    Extra Cost

  • Business Analytics

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business

    Extra Cost

  • Prescriptive Dashboards

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business

    Extra Cost

  • Multilingual Messaging

    $39 per user/ month

    xMatters Base

    $39 per user/ month

    PagerDuty Business
View all plans

Sony Interactive Entertainment chooses Everbridge xMatters Over PagerDuty and Splunk

Sony switched to Everbridge xMatters due to its superior customization options, seamless integration with existing systems, and enhanced support for evolving requirements.

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